
Pro Design Tips When Shopping For New Furniture

Posted by Duval on May 7th 2019

Pro Design Tips When Shopping For New Furniture

At JaxCo we serve a wide range of customers from interior design professionals to college students who are ready for their first “adult” mattress. Taste, budget, goals, patience, and preparation are all variables.

Some folks know exactly what they want. They come in with a list, pictures, and in some cases even spreadsheets (seriously!) outlining their interests. They have done their homework online, show up with inspiration, and are ready to make a decision.

However, a majority of customers aren’t totally sure what they want or even where to begin. If you’ve ever said, “I’ll know it when I see it,” we’re talking about you. The furniture and mattress shopping experience is overwhelming to them. If you’re one of the latter, you’re in a good place. We’ve compiled a few easy tips for people who are feeling anxious about their upcoming furniture shopping experience.

Piece by Piece

You don’t have to replace an entire room. Sometimes replacing your bed will suffice for a new look instead of replacing all your bedroom furniture. It’s also less costly to do so. Furniture is typically offered in sets, but that doesn’t mean you have to buy it that way. If you don’t like the mirror, leave it off and save your funds for something you love. Which leads to another good point…

Mix & Match

Just because there is a matching ottoman, doesn’t mean that’s what you have to have for your living room. Some folks have a uniform style and they want everything to have the same look across the entire room or even home. And that works for them. But, don’t feel like you have to stick to that. Whether your style is Bohemian, Industrial, Farmhouse, or Mid-Century Modern, there’s always room for accents and mis-matching pieces.

Remove the pillows

Many sofas come with “stock” pillows that influence the look of a group. Don’t be afraid to take them off and look at the bare sofa if you’re unsure. Sometimes it’s hard to visualize your own style until you have a blank canvas. Strip down the piece to it’s bare essentials and start from there. You can always add your own pillows, throws, and other decorations later.

Ask for Advice

How often have you asked your waiter/waitress what they like best on the menu? It’s no different with the staff at a furniture store. They sit on the furniture, open the drawers, and test out the mattresses daily. If you’re not sure what style to go with, ask them for some help designing a room or picking out the right piece. There are always options to choose from and at the end of the day, helping someone get what they love is our job.

In addition to this, be sure to check out our checklist of what to bring when you go furniture shopping from a previous blog. Shopping for your new furniture can be fun and easy with just a small bit of preparation!